
To The Age of Invisibility

The Future of Invisibility


INVISIBLE FORGE INC, a private C-Corporation incorporated in the Great State of Texas, USA, will be closing operations, since the CEO and the Texas SOS Team agreed on a clean safe closure in order to avoid the "Sunk Cost Fallacy", and agreed to turn INVISIBLE FORGE INC a "Penny Stock" at value of $0.0001 per share and/or option for current investor in order to maximize their IRS Tax Deductions. The investors have been adviced on seeking an trusted CPA to best "Roll Over" on their "Individual Tax" IRS Tax Deductions across many years upon the sale of their IF Shares and IF options; and/or request a higher offer from outside investors. INVISIBLE FORGE INC never raised "Seed Capital" nor had Creditors, so this closure is clean and only affects current investors of INVISIBLE FORGE INC. All US Intellectual Property is the ownership of Alejandro Evaristo Perez. INVISIBLE FORGE INC was primary objectives was to ethically, safetly, and legally the products, services, and softwares required to deploy "Invisible Joint Forces" Multi-Domain Doctrine on behalf of US/NATO Forces as submitted to DARPA in a 78-page grant proposal as "Ghost Invisibility Program: Invisible Equipment via Mesh Video Streaming for Invisible Cloaks, Armors, Drones, and Vehicles" with a control number FP-030 in response to Board Agency Announcement (BAA) HR001118S0028, Disruptive Capabilities for Future Warfare, posted on Jun 12, 2018. However, due to the lack of funding, resources, and adviced from the TX SOS Team, "Facts and Data" point toward the best financial option for the invenstors of INVISIBLE FORGE INC should have a clean closure in order to maximize the investors' IRS Tax Deductions and thus, increase their shareholder wealth's in their other ventures. Thanks for your support while INVISIBLE FORGE INC begins closing operations, accounts, and services as accepted by the CEO, the Majority Stockholder, and TX SOS Team. God bless America, NATO, and the Allies.

As Seen in SXSW 2019

Invisibility... the Real "Disruptive Technology" of today and the future. #SXSW #SXSW2019